Can Air Duct Cleaning Remove Mold?

Mold can be one of the most harmful substances inside your home or office, and it is notoriously effective at developing in all kinds of places as long as the right variables are in place – all that mold needs in order to grow are the right temperature, moisture level and a source of food.
One of the most dangerous places that mold can develop is in your ductwork, because your ventilation system is what supplies you with fresh air to breathe as you’re enjoying time with loved ones or working hard on that next project at the office.
Mold infestation usually comes with a musty odor. If there is mold in your HVAC system, you should be able to smell the strange musty odor in multiple adjacent rooms. If the mold problem is quite severe, you should be able to spot the growth around the ducts, in the vents and the other parts of the ductwork. The spores are too small for spotting without specialized equipment, and you will not see any other overt signs until the infestation is rampant. In most cases, people have to rely on their sense of smell to detect the presence of this stealthy intruder in their homes.
Here are a few definitive signs of mold growth within home HVAC systems:
- A strong mildew-like or musty smell throughout the house or at least in a few adjacent rooms.
- Your nose, throat, and eyes feel irritated when you switch on the air conditioning or step inside an air-conditioned room.
- You are experiencing allergic symptoms including a runny nose, rashes, and watering eyes.
- You or your family is suffering from unexplainable headaches that go away when you step outside.
- You feel nausea, fatigue, and dizziness only when you are home.
- You can see the mold growing within the intake vents and around the air ducts and drip pans.
Mold is not just icky or gross. It elicits allergic reactions in most people. It can lead to unwarranted asthma attacks in children and the elderly. The effects are usually immediate. However, there are records of people suffering from rashes, inexplicable breathing troubles and irritation in the eyes. The adverse impacts on health are so expansive that experts are still carrying out studies to find out the various effects of mold on human health.
Mold is one of the leading concerns among all homeowners and the EPA. It is notorious for emanating spores that can cause severe allergic reactions. Neglecting persistent allergies can also lead to anaphylaxis. In fact, the EPA and professional HVAC maintenance services consider mold to be a health hazard since it can also release particulates and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in the indoor air.
Air duct cleaning, when done the right way, is proven to be effective at removing mold from your ventilation system and therefore making your living and working environment a lot healthier.